High Holiday Ritual Lab 5785 High Holiday Ritual Lab 5785 Bathhouse: Selichot Schvitz 9.28 Rosh Requiem: Rosh HaShanah Service on the Beach 10.3 One Room Schoolhouse Parallel Program Rosh Requiem: Challah and Grub Outlaw: Tashlich Requiem: Walk and Witness 10.7 Dunk 10.10 Cemetery: Kol Nidre Service 10.11 Fugitives: Sukkot Dinner 10.16 Campout: Sukkot Shabbat 10.18 Roundup: Sukkot on the A.K. Ranch 10.20 Eternity: Simchat Torah Silent Disco 10.24 Happenings Upcoming and Regular Happenings Open Temple Calendar HAPPENINGS Creative Torah Academy: Enrollment Now Open Torah Study Soul Journey: Intro To Judaism Past Happenings Click here