Arts 36
Arts 36 is Open Temple’s unique and new way to do Jew-School. Comprised of three different gathering experiences: Holiday/ Shabbat and Enrichment Experiences, Arts Classroom Experiences and Family/Home Experiences, Arts 36 introduces students to spirituality through creativity.
The Year:
Arts 36 program is crafted to maximize group time with creativity, community building and learning. We recognize that spiritual education should not be a burden to the family; rather, an enrichment that we build into our schedules. Our school meets about twice monthly in small groups and also includes shabbat programming, holidays, field trips and other family experiences.
- Holiday and Enrichment Experiences include High Holiday Ritual Labs, celebrations for Sukkot, Chanukah and Purim, and may include a trip to a local LA Jewish Museum, a Family Shabbat Dinner, a service project, a Torah Hike, a city-wide scavenger hunt, challah baking, and/or creative outdoor prayer experiences.
- Arts Class Experiences: The year includes Fine Art, Drama, Dance and Music. All experiences are curated and activities match the discipline studied in each unit.
- Family Education: Arts 36 inspires. The creative inspiration and spiritual practices that your child engages in at Open Temple should find their way to your home, and we provide “At Home” experiences with resources and tools for you to create a living Judaism with your family.**
We offer a bounty of experiences over the course of the year and encourage families to participate in at least 36.
**Examples may include:
Candlelighting, Make Kiddush, Chant Motze, Give Tzedakah, Build a Sukkah, Light the Hanukiah for 8 nights, Plant a tree, Send Mishloach Manot, Study Torah, learning the Blessing of Children, visit the sick/elderly, chant the Bedtime Shema, chant Modeh Ani when you rise, and make a Jewish cookbook.
Classes, field trips, shabbats and other happenings for the 2024-25 school year are currently scheduled to take place on the dates listed below. Sunday classes are from 3:00 – 6:00 pm (with dinner!). Currently enrolled families, please refer to the Creative Torah Academy Google calendar which will be updated if any changes are made, and which has more detailed information.
School Fees:
Participation in Creative Torah Academy compliments other Offerings in our community and the outcomes impact the whole family. This requires that families become Open Temple Co-Creators before beginning CTA. If our suggested co-creator rates aren’t affordable for your family, please contact us and we will work with you to open up access.
Our 2024-25 tuition rates are as follows:
Arts 36 (Kindergarten – 4th grade and 5th graders new to Creative Torah Academy): $1,800
Venice Yeshiva (Returning 5th graders and all 6th graders): $1,800
B Mitzvah (7th grade and up): $6,500 (returning students who have been enrolled in Venice Yeshiva) and $7,700 (students new to Creative Torah Academy). We also offer a Concierge B Mitzvah for those families with students unable to attend regular CTA and B Mitzvah classes.
Register and pay tuition or sign a payment plan by May 31, 2024 and we will waive our 5% processing fee!
Enrollment is now open for Fall 2024/5785. For any questions, please reach out to If you’re ready to sign up or re-enroll:
Creative Torah Academy Arts 36 was designed thanks to the generous support of the Etzah Fellowship at the American Jewish University Fingerhut School of Education by Rabbi Lori Shapiro.
The evening was amazing, the service was more than wonderful and one that everyone is still talking about. Our friends and family were left with a feeling of knowing what they sat through – a loving, warm service that transmitted the knowledge of what the process was all about. They experienced a Bar Mitzvah in a way none have done so before (as did we).
– Max’s Mom