Open Temple

Soul Print: Adult B. Mitzvah

Everyone has a unique Soul Print, a personal imprint on the world. However, in our lives, we seem to spend our time fitting into other people’s needs and expectations.
Open Temple Soul Print, an Adult B. Mitzvah Soul Journey, is a one-year course engaging co-creatives with a rededication of their lives through their Jewish Soul Journey. Through text, meditation, prayer, study, language, and ritual experiences, our class (or co-creatives) will discover their unique Soul Print and emerge with a re-dedicated perspective of purpose, belonging and belief.
Soul Print:
The Open Temple Adult B. Mitzvah Soul Journey
Begins October 2023
A one year journey
Part I: 
What is my Soul Print?
Philosophy of Judaism, Jewish Heterodoxy, Torah, Commentaries, Civilization, Hebrew Decoding.
Wednesdays from 7 – 9 pm,
Hebrew study begins the summer before classes
Part II:
What is my Holy Offering?
Ritual Space, Prayer, The Temple, My Holy of Holies, Creation, Leadership, My Unique Jewish Soul Print, Being and Becoming.
Siyyum Ritual: B. Mitzvah
Prerequisite: Soul Journey: Intro to Judaism or interview with Rabbi and Staff
Tuition: Each part is $1800, $900 for Co-Creators at $1800 level and above. Payment plans and financial assistance available.

If you would like to learn more, please email

“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96

If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)

The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.