Candle Lighting
Friday Evenings–see our calendar for exact time
Open Temple House
Re-Imagined Candle Lighting. Every Shabbat at Open Temple House. Weekly installations of Shabbat Candles curated by YOU and creating pause and wonderment in our midst.
If you would like host to say the prayers (we have printouts!) and bring the challah and grape juice please RSVP via Calendly. Times vary based on the sunset, when you sign up please be mindful of the time and your schedule.
No RSVP required to attend.
Please reach out if you have any questions.
“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96
If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)
The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.