The Watering: Sukkot Kayak Shabbat for Co-Creators
Friday, October 14
6:00 pm
Float down the canals behind a Sukkah or Kayak as the full moon glows above and Remember the Call from One more Ancient than All of Us.
A Night of Sukkot Enchantment
Hosted by Rabbi Lori and Dr. Joel
Sukkot Shabbat Kayak on the Venice Canals
(BYOLV – Bring Your Own Life Vest)
Open to 5783 co-creators only. Please fill out the form below to let us know you’ll be there.
Interested in becoming a co-creator? Details available here.

“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96
If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)
The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.