Creating Safe Spaces to Feel
Workshop with Nitsan Joy Gordon of
Together Beyond Words
November 1 at 7:00 PM
Electric Lodge
1416 Electric Avenue
What do you do when you are being bombed and everyone around you is on edge, jumping at every loud sound? When every person you know has lost a friend or family member or knows someone who lost someone on October 7th? When people you know are kidnapped in Gaza and others you know have gone to funerals or Shivas every day this past week? When Arab friends in Israel are afraid to visit you and you are afraid to drive through or even near their towns? When your friends in the West Bank can’t go anywhere because of checkpoints, fear they will be picked up by the military or killed by settlers?
How can you support people in holding on to their humanity, their desire to end the violence and find a solution?
Since the war began my colleagues and I have been listening to people experiencing trauma,
holding zoom circles and leading workshops. Today I invite you to join me and hear about my experience and share your own with an intention of regaining our ability to deeply connect to ourselves and one another.
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Nitsan Joy Gordon is a peace activist, group facilitator, IFS and DM therapist, and author of Together Beyond Words: Women on a Quest for
Peace in the Middle East. Her life experiences—growing up in an Israeli border kibbutz fraught with danger and violent skirmishes—set her on a 30-year quest to train and empower women and men as peacebuilders and transform prejudices
between Arabs and Jews, Israelis, and Palestinians. In 2003 she co-founded Together Beyond Words a peacebuilding organization that brings Muslims, Jews, Bedouins, Druse, and Christians together in a dynamic process to heal ancient wounds, recover hidden strengths, and promote emotional understanding.
“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96
If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)
The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.