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Open Temple

Shabbat Take Me Higher

Shabbat Let Me Gather
Shabbat Help Me Remember
Shabbat Bring Us Together

April 16
7:00 pm

Honoring Divine Rhymer Zach Puchtel

Shira Fox
Shai Shaashua
Kent Jenkins
Ben Gown
Dave Allen
Rabbi Lori
And You.

Our Take Me Higher Service
Outdoors (dress warm and bring blankets!)
With Social Distance, Enchantment and Love

Our Parking Lot is our Paradise

Registration deposit required (see below) and will be refunded when you check in. This program will be run in accordance with guidelines from the LA County Department of Public Health.

“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96

If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)

The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.