Open Temple

Community Tzedakah




We are so grateful for all our Co-Creators, who commit to help keep our doors Open. If you are able to contribute at a level higher than our suggested Co-Creatorship, we offer the following opportunities for additional support:

  • CTA Field Trips $1,800
  • CTA Full Day Retreat $2,200
  • Shabbat Oneg $3,000
  • Rosh Hodesh $3,000
  • Kosher Pickles $3,000
  • Re-Gen $3,000
  • Sukkot on the AK Farm $3,000
  • Break-the-Fast (everyone) $3,000
  • Sukkot dinners $3,500
  • Passover Seder Crawl $7,500
  • Radical Ritual Artist Stipends $7,500
  • Dialogues $8,200
  • Intro to Judaism $9,700
  • High Holiday Family services $12,000
  • Rabbinical Intern $24,000
  • Volunteer coordinator $24,000
  • HHD musicians $26,000
  • OT House (rent) $30,000
  • Shabbat $36,000
  • High Holidays $62,000

To make a pledge, please reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you!

One who occupies oneself with the needs of the community is as though one has occupied oneself with Torah.

Talmud Yerushalmi, Berakhot