The Awakening: Rosh Hashanah
Erev Rosh HaShanah Family Services
Sunday, September 29th, 2019
4:00 pm
Erev Rosh HaShanah Service and Kabbalistic Kirtan
Community Service
Sunday, September 29th, 2019
7:00 pm
Rosh HaShanah Day Service
Monday, September 30th, 2019
10:00 am
Monday, September 30th, 2019
1:00 pm
Rosh HaShanah Family Service
Monday, September 30th, 2019
4:00 pm
Prices vary – please reserve your tickets at Eventbrite.
Questions? Email
Electric Lodge
1416 Electric Ave
Venice, CA 90291
The High Holidays are the Jewish Burning Man, Bhaktifest, Yoga class, Kirtan chant, Hike in the hills, Meditation on a mountain, Ayahuasca circle and Juice fast combined. And through each of these experiences, we seek a re-connection with Self.
A Return to Self, or T’shuvah, is the objective of the High Holidays. It demands that we open ourselves to our personal foibles, short-comings and just plan uglies. The process of this personal rebuke is called Tocheichah.
It’s not a matter of sitting on a perch overlooking PCH as the sun sets. That will not clean up the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wreckage of our lives. It takes getting down and dirty. We’ve got to spend this month (Elul) cleaning up the mess we have created with others as we prepare to air out all of our dirty little secrets – in public (Viddui or Confession, prayer).
Not for the faint hearted, indeed.
The Yamim Nora’im (High Holidays) provide a prism of rarefied rituals, sounds, songs and movements that transport our mind, bodies and souls to a place of raw authenticity. They awaken us to our core. Hirhur T’shuvah describes this spontaneous Awakening to Authentic Self as the Shofar sounds our Spiritual Alarm Clock.
Are you ready to Awaken?
Open Temple Soul Journey 5780:
Begin Again.

“Sing unto God a new song.” -Psalm 96
If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be. -Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)
The Open Temple. Sing a new Song.