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Open Temple

The Braiding

Challah-Back Girl is back.
Challah Chub Challah Delivery.
This coming Shabbat.


Friday, May 8

Open Temple and Challah Chub Chollaborate and say “Bah!” to flour shortages with a personal dough deliver to your doorstep.

Here’s the path to perfect challah:
  • Click here to purchase your challah dough by Wednesday, May 6 at 5:00pm – SOLD OUT
  • Or, prep your own dough on Thursday night or Friday morning.
  • Log on at 3pm this Friday to Open Temple’s Facebook Page for Braid Your Challah-Back Girl and Tithing demo, a Facebook Live Performance Art Happening with Open Temple’s own Jew-Leah Child (aka Rabbi Lori) who learns alongside you to separate the braids and the dough.
  • When the fun is done, Pop the Bun in the oven (don’t forget to pre-heat) and experience the olfactory intoxication.

“Sing unto God a new song.”
-Psalm 96

If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.
-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)

The Open Temple.
Sing a new Song.