Or HaLev Mini Retreat
Wednesday, December 25th
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Or HaLev is thrilled to bring our deep mindfulness practice to Open Temple. Whether you’ve never meditated before or need a boost of inspirational Jewish community, our half-day retreats are an ideal opportunity to set aside the pressures of daily life and drop back into the sacred.
$10 registration fee.
8:00 – 9:15 Yoga
9:15 – 10:00 Registration and Personal Breakfast time
10:00 Opening Sit
10:30 Chanting
11:30 Walking Practice
11:45 Guided Sit
12:15 Mindful Eating and Pot luck
1:15 Teaching
2:00 Walking Practice
2:30 Sit
3:00 Q & A
3:30 Closing and Community Building
About the Facilitators:
Rabbi Sara Brandes, Or HaLev
A Los Angeles native and former Associate Rabbi at Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue, Rabbi Sara Brandes is Executive Director at Or HaLev. A life-time spiritual seeker and certified yoga instructor, Sara’s passion is drawing on Judaism as a resource for crafting a meaningful life.
Rabbi Lori Shapiro, Open Temple
Founder of Open Temple in Venice, CA, Lori’s rabbinate is dedicated to reaching unaffiliated and intermarried families and seekers. Previously the Director of Jewish Life and Senior Consultant for Interfaith Relations and Outreach at the University of Southern California Hillel, Lori’s transdenominational rabbinate was informed by her studies at the American Jewish University, years living in Israel studying within an Orthodox Jewish framework and graduation from both the Academy for Jewish Religion/California (MA in Rabbinics) as well as the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (MA in Jewish Studies). Rabbi Lori and Open Temple began as a part of a national incubator supporting cutting edge and innovative Jewish programming mentored by Rabbis Without Borders and CLAL. Rabbi Lori and Open Temple were then admitted as a member of Upstart Labs’ 10th Cohort and as a member of David Cygielman’s Open Dor Project. Rabbi Lori is a graduate of the Spiritual Direction program with the Yedidya Center for Spiritual Direction and is a member of Spiritual Directors International. Rabbi Lori is a member of the current cohort of the Interfaith Inclusion Leadership Initiative and is a proud Lion of Judah. Rabbi Lori is a member of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California and the Sandra Caplan Beit Din. She and her husband, Dr. Joel Shapiro, live in the Venice canals with their two daughters and labradoodle.

“Sing unto God a new song.” -Psalm 96
If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be. -Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)
The Open Temple. Sing a new Song.