Purim Funhouse Saturday, March 3rd5 pm – 7 pm Megillat Esther ReduxPerformance ArtFish Pong For kids by kids.Join the fun. Bring a friend. Electric Lodge1416 Electric AvenueVenice RSVP: info@opentemple.org Open Temple Calendar HAPPENINGS Screening of Chinatown Soul Journey: Intro To Judaism Creative Torah Academy: Enrollment Now Open “Sing unto God a new song.” -Psalm 96 If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be. -Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer) The Open Temple. Sing a new Song. First name: * Last name: * Email: * Phone: City: State: ZIP: * What areas of our community interest you? (check all that apply) 20s-30s Happenings Adult Education Creative Torah Academy (Hebrew School) Family Happenings Hosting House Talks Hosting Shabbat Dinner Intermarried Families Jewish by Choice Men’s Happenings Re-Generation (Boomer) Happenings Shabbat Dinners Singles Happenings Social Action Teen Happenings Torah Study Women’s Happenings Youth Happenings Volunteering Other: Type the text shown: * Send me a copy *These fields are required