Outlaw: Tashlich Thursday, October 36:00 pm Experience the Wonderment of Wonder Bread. Free and open to all. Exact location provided to passholders. Please register below so we know to look for you. Questions? Email info@opentemple.org High Holiday Ritual Lab 5785 Bathhouse: Selichot Schvitz 9.28 Rosh Requiem: Rosh HaShanah Service on the Beach 10.3 One Room Schoolhouse Parallel Program Rosh Requiem: Challah and Grub Outlaw: Tashlich Requiem: Walk and Witness 10.7 Dunk 10.10 Cemetery: Kol Nidre Service 10.11 Campout: Sukkot Shabbat 10.18 Roundup: Sukkot on the A.K. Ranch 10.20 Eternity: Simchat Torah Silent Disco 10.24 Happenings “Sing unto God a new song.”-Psalm 96If God is already tired, as suggests the Psalm, of hearing the old song, all the more so will ordinary mortals be.-Alcalay (20th c. Jewish lexicographer)The Open Temple.Sing a new Song.